President Obama on the cover of Wired elicited a thrill throughout this household. Two pioneering and beautiful creations presented together, holy shit that's awesome.
This October issue is kept in the bathroom in the magazine holder along with a couple Vice mags, Hunter S. Thompson's Kingdom of Fear, and a year-old Vanity Fair True Crime Special Issue that I can't seem to throw out. It was an engrossing read.
This morning I pull this Wired out and see the cover has been ripped off. Fuck! It's the Obama one! I find the cover buried deep inside when Rx walks in.
"Oh my god, Rx! The cover ripped off!"
She says, "Oh no, that's the good president! Mommy, you can tape it. I have tape, I'll go get it."
I successfully reattach the two, bring them back together, bring them back to life. It's time to store this beauty with my SF Chron announcing Obama's first win.
A triumphant beginning, a devastating end.
Go ahead, cry.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Only Child
When you're an only child and you're on holiday break and your parents are working at home, you may need to pull all your animal friends together to keep you company while you eat cereal and watch Spongebob on your iPad.
She's lined them up in order of importance.
1. Babies, her best friend her entire life so far
2. Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde from Zootopia
3. Darth Vader
4. Judy's cop mobile
5. New white kitty
6. The pet carrier that all stuffed animals are carried around in.
7. "Halloweenie" -- her favorite Ty® cat
8. The new horrible Ty® cat that makes pathetic meowing sounds when you pass by it. My estranged sister gave this to her to torture me, I'm pretty sure.
And in case anyone's wondering, I totally know this sucks for her and hate myself for it and am looking for ways every second of the day to change it.
She's lined them up in order of importance.
1. Babies, her best friend her entire life so far
2. Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde from Zootopia
3. Darth Vader
4. Judy's cop mobile
5. New white kitty
6. The pet carrier that all stuffed animals are carried around in.
7. "Halloweenie" -- her favorite Ty® cat
8. The new horrible Ty® cat that makes pathetic meowing sounds when you pass by it. My estranged sister gave this to her to torture me, I'm pretty sure.
And in case anyone's wondering, I totally know this sucks for her and hate myself for it and am looking for ways every second of the day to change it.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Raise your hand. How many of you have been assaulted or raped by men?
9 out of 10 of you?
90% of you have been assaulted, molested or raped by men?
YES. And that's not just this group, that's my cousin's group too, and endless other groups of friends who are 90% assaulted, molested or raped by men. Who are we? We are everyone.
By stating that it's NO BIG DEAL to physically assault, molest or rape women, this "president" has demonstrated that it doesn't matter. He says it doesn't mean anything, that it's locker room talk.
To anyone who has accidentally stumbled on this blog, listen here.
90% of the women I know, including me, have been assaulted, molested or raped by men.
What if it was 90% of men?
Wednesday, November 02, 2016
Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Much Ado About Everything
Make no joke about it; we as humans are seriously fucked if Tr**p wins the presidency. Did I use asterisks on the wrong word? No, I did not.
Isn't it possible there's at least one person in the Justice Department who will resist turning over important proof of the ever-famous emails and their new best friend, the other emails, because they don't want their family's faces to melt a-la-Nazi in Spielberg's Indiana Jones? Except post-Nuclear bomb detonation?
Choosing this new Nazi leader WILL KILL EVERYBODY with just a finger and a button.
Isn't it possible there's at least one person in the Justice Department who will resist turning over important proof of the ever-famous emails and their new best friend, the other emails, because they don't want their family's faces to melt a-la-Nazi in Spielberg's Indiana Jones? Except post-Nuclear bomb detonation?
Choosing this new Nazi leader WILL KILL EVERYBODY with just a finger and a button.
Friday, August 26, 2016
Why is this woman smiling?
Kill The Witch
It's not like I didn't know he was horrible, but I watched Donald Trump on tv last night for approximately 4 seconds before I became filled with an emotion I can't identify. Leaving the room was like a fight or flight event.
A great sadness is in me this morning. Oh, god, I really don't think he can win this election, but what if he did? Oh, god. The emotional's an indicator. I hate him when I see his face, and am completely and utterly filled with bile when I hear his voice.
I hate him more than Dubya. Oh, god.
Let's just put him here. I want to dump him here.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Take Care
Because of the current world we live in, I'd like to encourage all people who have the means, to look out for those who don't. Like handing out a few dollars to the guy standing (or sitting in a wheelchair) at the end of the off-ramp. Like buying lunch for the family standing on the corner—mom in a wheelchair, dad, two young boys—along with your own. This means tipping 20% plus a few extra dollars, because when will you miss a few extra dollars? But that waiter/waitress/delivery person will feel empowered and gain faith in the world when you do. Isn't that a small price to pay for more faith existing in the world?
People have to help people. Our government will never get around to it. And they can't, not enough. It's up to us regular people who have jobs and a little bit to spare.
Just do it.
I give thanks for having a job that gives me a home and food.
I give thanks for a body that's pretty fucked up, but can still hold down that job.
This post is written in honor of my grandparents who taught me to care for people in need. I give thanks for them, up there in heaven where all the angels live.
Monday, August 01, 2016
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Boiling Point
Literature boils with the madcap careers of writers brought to the edge by the demands of living on their nerves, wringing out their memories and their nightmares to extract meaning, truth, beauty.
--Herbert Gold
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Miles Davis and Finding the Right Jazz + Sonic Youth
After days of turmoil caring for our 5-yr-old by myself, I found I was hungering for a certain musical sound. In my head, it was like Sonic Youth, but not. It was random; was it jazz? If it was jazz, what jazz? In my head the sound was chaotic, syncopated and weird. I asked a jazz friend, a bass player, “Who should I be listening to for this sound I feel?”
And while he gave me a number of suggestions, none was quite right. That made it easier to narrow down. Who was missing here?
Of course. Miles Davis, what the fuck is wrong with me? I immediately searched in Spotify and clicked.
Ah, the relief, OH, the relief when I turned Miles on.
What is this need? And what’s the connection between Miles and Sonic Youth?
Sonic Youth is chaotic and overbearing, and completely rob the soul of all sense of self with discordant sound arrangements that travel through dimensions, and build rooms, and become enveloping, all-encompassing...disappearing.
I thought of Jean-Michel Basquiat talking about jazz in the beautiful doc, Radiant Child. I thought of his favorite type of jazz, Bebop. I went through the players...shit!
still not one that fit the bill...who hadn’t I tried?
Chaotic, loud, absolutely sure of its place in space and time, his sound is fucking free flying sound, with the volume, and the travel in and out. It’s random, beautiful chaos. There’s so much freedom in that. It’s a language spoken so clearly, as if to say, “I am reality. I am all.”
To which I say, “I submit. I give it up. I’ll become nothing for sound.”
UPDATE: it was the grateful dead i was hearing. not miles. not sonic youth. the grateful dead were brilliant at playing noise too. known as "drums/space", they used it as an intermission at shows because they played for three hours. played. instruments. three hours. sometimes four. the drummers would take over and the guitarists, keyboardist and bassist would take a break; then they switched.
sonic youth. miles. the grateful dead. the most beautiful noise three-way you can get. time to put on headphones, listen to this trio, and become nothing. phew.
UPDATE: it was the grateful dead i was hearing. not miles. not sonic youth. the grateful dead were brilliant at playing noise too. known as "drums/space", they used it as an intermission at shows because they played for three hours. played. instruments. three hours. sometimes four. the drummers would take over and the guitarists, keyboardist and bassist would take a break; then they switched.
sonic youth. miles. the grateful dead. the most beautiful noise three-way you can get. time to put on headphones, listen to this trio, and become nothing. phew.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Nothing is worse than losing your mind...
...but if you survive it, you gain a skill that will make the rest of your life easier than it would have been without.
(Thanks, Jenny Holzer!)
(Thanks, Jenny Holzer!)
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
100 Galloping Monsters

This girl I know, she gave up too quickly. She was a kid living in a depressed area, she had few skills and was looking at low pay. She said, "I'll never be able to afford it here."
Her mom
moved to Oklahoma, that dustbowl of dead opportunity. So she moved to
the same tiny town not close to anything. Or anyone. Or any future
bigger than the reality right in front of her.
No 21-year-old who lives here ever has enough money, and always gets low pay. I wish I had told her that. You
stay and work it, because this is where opportunity lives and without
opportunity, life will always be the same. No movement. No growth. No
risks. No learning.
To live here at 21, you
have to adjust to not eating much. You find a home that will let you
split the rent into two payments a month, a place with included
electricity. You move into a closet, one big enough just for a futon on
the floor and a place for the door to open.
didn't have a dream, she didn't think she could do it. But what about
me? I had no confidence either, but I was filled with the juiced-up
anger of 100 galloping monsters. That anger burned like a fever, forever
moving me forward. Bad decisions led to mistakes which led to learning, far reaching discoveries, and devastating humiliations.
the right amount of insanity is a very good thing. I'm so grateful for
the fire inside. I worked San Francisco and I won. 16 years of struggle.
Nonstop struggle, with no net, no backup, no parents with a handy check
to send. I worked my way up in a creative industry that paid a lot, because
of the raging fever. Because I held tightly to the conviction that mediocrity must be avoided at all costs. I could stop eating and I could live in
the ghetto and I could survive a nervous breakdown all by myself. And
get back up and work more and be abused more, just to make it past the
next rung.
And then, 16 years later, I left the boiling cauldron of City culture. I had won.
when I won and I was done, I said goodbye and good riddance and went on
to have a peaceful life in a quiet town on the other side of the
When I was done I put that City in a headlock and threw it down on the ground and stepped on it. "Thank you, tar pit trap, for making me a person I can respect."
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Guy and I are driving along, headed to Yosemite for a weekend holiday when we get into a discussion about Volkswagen.
We love Volkswagen. Our parents drove Volkswagens. It's the "people's car"...that's what it meant, right?
I tell Guy, Volkswagen has the best logo...look at that! I point to a newish version in front of us. He says, "Yeah, but Mercedes is strong too."
I take that, I think about it, tell him, "Yeah, it's strong, but VW has the name in it. The name is the logo." To which guy gave me a solid, non-defeated, "Yeah."
Story over.

We love Volkswagen. Our parents drove Volkswagens. It's the "people's car"...that's what it meant, right?
I tell Guy, Volkswagen has the best logo...look at that! I point to a newish version in front of us. He says, "Yeah, but Mercedes is strong too."
I take that, I think about it, tell him, "Yeah, it's strong, but VW has the name in it. The name is the logo." To which guy gave me a solid, non-defeated, "Yeah."
Story over.

The Day We Lost David
My mom was at our house the day David Bowie died. I went down to the guest room to tell her after seeing the news on CNN. It was early morning.
I sat on the edge of the guest bed. She woke up and removed her sleep apnea mask, asking me, "What's wrong, Baby?" her face filling with concern as tears silently rolled down my cheeks and my face folded inward as I leaned in, losing it. She struggled to sit up and give me her attention.
"What's wrong, Baby?"
"Mommy, David Bowie DIED!" and I let it go, all the messy bawling. And she pulled me close to her chest and said, "I'm so sorry, sweetheart, ohhhh, I am so so sorry." She stroked the back of my head and let me cry and cry and cry and cry.
Then Rx got in bed with us and we all three hugged. Rx, a little confused but at the ready with empathy, "I'm so sorry your friend died, mommy," she said.
Yes, my friend. My friend who got me through it! Through being 13! 14! 15! Through feeling hated! And ugly! And stupid! And different! Through high school, what a nightmare! And into college, great times! And on my own, and when I moved to the City and saw his show at Kezar Stadium and he was so happy, he smiled the whole time and gave the goodness away—just like that! And then when I got married, and the period after that when I listened to Let's Dance every morning while getting dressed, when I still had a record player, well into my 30s.
After arriving at work, I was in the kitchen putting my frozen Atkins food away when I felt someone walk in quickly and stand right next to me abruptly. It was Buddy System. He had tears in his eyes and so did I. We both knew.
We stared at each other for a beat, two beats, and then I hugged him. A good hug. He hugged back and we just felt sad together for a minute, then parted. The pools in our eyes broke and rolled down our faces and we were silent. Neither of us said anything.
Nothing at all.
He walked away and went upstairs. I closed the fridge door, listening to it suction back together.
I sat on the edge of the guest bed. She woke up and removed her sleep apnea mask, asking me, "What's wrong, Baby?" her face filling with concern as tears silently rolled down my cheeks and my face folded inward as I leaned in, losing it. She struggled to sit up and give me her attention.
"What's wrong, Baby?"
"Mommy, David Bowie DIED!" and I let it go, all the messy bawling. And she pulled me close to her chest and said, "I'm so sorry, sweetheart, ohhhh, I am so so sorry." She stroked the back of my head and let me cry and cry and cry and cry.
Then Rx got in bed with us and we all three hugged. Rx, a little confused but at the ready with empathy, "I'm so sorry your friend died, mommy," she said.
Yes, my friend. My friend who got me through it! Through being 13! 14! 15! Through feeling hated! And ugly! And stupid! And different! Through high school, what a nightmare! And into college, great times! And on my own, and when I moved to the City and saw his show at Kezar Stadium and he was so happy, he smiled the whole time and gave the goodness away—just like that! And then when I got married, and the period after that when I listened to Let's Dance every morning while getting dressed, when I still had a record player, well into my 30s.
After arriving at work, I was in the kitchen putting my frozen Atkins food away when I felt someone walk in quickly and stand right next to me abruptly. It was Buddy System. He had tears in his eyes and so did I. We both knew.
We stared at each other for a beat, two beats, and then I hugged him. A good hug. He hugged back and we just felt sad together for a minute, then parted. The pools in our eyes broke and rolled down our faces and we were silent. Neither of us said anything.
Nothing at all.
He walked away and went upstairs. I closed the fridge door, listening to it suction back together.
Friday, May 27, 2016
This is the future and it's a nightmare
Immediately following my post about hating work, I received a recruitment email :) from this start-up company (and seriously the email opened with a smiley face). :) "Hi! I'm a really happy person! Because this start-up is SO AWESOME! Look how we work! Well, it doesn't feel like work because we're bouncing around like infants in plastic balls with pokey things inside! Oops! Don't roll me down the hill, silly work friend! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is sooooooo fun! You have AWESOME experience, Lou Jones! Let's talk!"
Monday, May 23, 2016
Fuck Your Noguchi Table
Some sites are little jewels that sit behind your brain for years, waiting to be remembered. They come to you like a memory from when you were 5. A swoosh of movement, a faint laugh, who showed you first. Like something you're looking at through half-closed venetian blinds.
This is one of the best.
This is one of the best.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Notes on a meeting #7
It's been a while since I've had to sit through a meeting for two hours. Plenty of time to take some "notes."
During this particular meeting, I had two things on my mind. "EFF YOU". This is written in stylized copy because a note like this can't be readable by the nosy VP sitting behind you. And, from Mr. Bill Burroughs, "She had an auxiliary asshole in the middle of her forehead."
During this particular meeting, I had two things on my mind. "EFF YOU". This is written in stylized copy because a note like this can't be readable by the nosy VP sitting behind you. And, from Mr. Bill Burroughs, "She had an auxiliary asshole in the middle of her forehead."
Monday, May 02, 2016
Beyond Hate + unicorn teaser, Ween
Finally, I did it. I cut a social bind that was somehow still holding on.
There's only one person in this world who I can clearly state I hate. In fact, I had a hate note posted on this here Jones, but then took it down because it was so UGLY. Ya know?
I ran into this woman for the 2nd time, in the same place tonight, which is near my work and her home, and I heard her say my name under her breath as I "unknowingly" passed by her.
And to that I have to say: we should all be ridding ourselves of the "uncomfortable meeting" by stating as early on as possible that you want that person to ignore you, please. In my case, it went on too long–12 years too long, but really 3 (a final crime).
And to her I said in an overtly pussy way: by email, that if she has any good manners in possession at all, then she should never ever talk to me ever again about anything, no matter what.
I foresee a future in which I don't have to ignore her upon viewing, but can look her in the eye, say nothing, and it won't be unexpected.
Don't let assholes bug you out of your world as long as I did.
Meanwhile, I lick my brain in silence:
That's right. Ween is back.
There's only one person in this world who I can clearly state I hate. In fact, I had a hate note posted on this here Jones, but then took it down because it was so UGLY. Ya know?
I ran into this woman for the 2nd time, in the same place tonight, which is near my work and her home, and I heard her say my name under her breath as I "unknowingly" passed by her.
And to that I have to say: we should all be ridding ourselves of the "uncomfortable meeting" by stating as early on as possible that you want that person to ignore you, please. In my case, it went on too long–12 years too long, but really 3 (a final crime).
And to her I said in an overtly pussy way: by email, that if she has any good manners in possession at all, then she should never ever talk to me ever again about anything, no matter what.
I foresee a future in which I don't have to ignore her upon viewing, but can look her in the eye, say nothing, and it won't be unexpected.
Don't let assholes bug you out of your world as long as I did.
Meanwhile, I lick my brain in silence:
That's right. Ween is back.
Friday, January 22, 2016
Note to a Baby: The grandfather you'll never know
You're almost five, and no baby. Lately, it's crossed my mind several times that there are stories I want you to know.
One is the day my biodad died. We were friends. We could talk about anything and we made each other mad sometimes. We had a couple great adventures in New Orleans together. Biodad had a zest for life while he was slowly killing himself. Such a paradox. It's what happens when shitty stuff happens to little kids a bit too much. This little kid was curious and bright, open minded and happy. Then his dad, my grandfather drank way too much all the time and might have hurt him, or my grandmother, not sure. Either way, the grandfather left the family and became homeless and died on the streets. I think in Oklahoma, maybe Texas.
My biodad then suffered at the hand of my grandmother. I think she may have hit him, I know she told him she wished he'd never been born.
They found out my grandfather died when they didn't hear from him for a long time. They called someone, who? The morgue, the police, I don't know. It was in some other state than Louisiana, where they were living. Had always lived.
Biodad played the drums in a rock band and then the tympani in the Army symphony in Alaska.
I heard Biodad died in the evening. Your dad and I were at our friends' house with other friends too and we were watching the Simpsons and eating pizza. It was such a fun time, everyone was happy. It was simple.
Then your dad's phone rang and it was my mom, your grandmama calling to tell me he was dead. She hadn't been able to reach me on my phone. Your dad gave me a weird look, then handed me the phone. I don't remember what he said. I said Hello, and she was crying pretty hard. She said she was so sorry to tell me that Arthur had died. He was your grandfather.
I started crying and couldn't stop. Your dad led me to the converted garage, now a studio, and I sat on a yellow jacquard sofa. After a moment, my two girlfriends came in and asked what happened, and they sat on either side of me and held me and said nothing while I cried. My guy friends sort of hung out in the background unsure of what to do.
Your dad and I went home. I felt so weird. I felt very numb in the car the whole way home. I felt all the sadness I ever felt about him, the loss he suffered in his life, everything I knew about his pain felt worse than ever and dug into my being. All the lost potential, the life that could've been the life the got away.
His best friend's husband found him. They hadn't heard from him for a couple days; very unusual. They were paying for his apartment. My biodad, your grandfather had been friends with this woman since high school, and now she was married to the mayor of the small town in Louisiana and they were rich. That mayor turned out to be first cousins with Jerry Lee Lewis and Jimmy Swaggart. How weird is that.
He was in bed, the air conditioner was cranked. He had a fan pointed towards his face, and there were dozens of beer cans in the kitchen. He'd been sober for like 3 years.
What happened.
I don't know. I wonder if he killed himself. He was very lonely and bored. He had emphysema and used an oxygen tank while he chain smoked. Did he have respiratory failure because of the large amount of alcohol? I think maybe it was just his one last drunk.
I hadn't talked to him for five months previous. That five months was preceded by a visit your dad I made to his apartment in that small town. It was overwhelming for me and I kind of avoided him afterward. I didn't answer his calls. For five months. And then he died.
You're almost five, and no baby. Lately, it's crossed my mind several times that there are stories I want you to know.
One is the day my biodad died. We were friends. We could talk about anything and we made each other mad sometimes. We had a couple great adventures in New Orleans together. Biodad had a zest for life while he was slowly killing himself. Such a paradox. It's what happens when shitty stuff happens to little kids a bit too much. This little kid was curious and bright, open minded and happy. Then his dad, my grandfather drank way too much all the time and might have hurt him, or my grandmother, not sure. Either way, the grandfather left the family and became homeless and died on the streets. I think in Oklahoma, maybe Texas.
My biodad then suffered at the hand of my grandmother. I think she may have hit him, I know she told him she wished he'd never been born.
They found out my grandfather died when they didn't hear from him for a long time. They called someone, who? The morgue, the police, I don't know. It was in some other state than Louisiana, where they were living. Had always lived.
Biodad played the drums in a rock band and then the tympani in the Army symphony in Alaska.
I heard Biodad died in the evening. Your dad and I were at our friends' house with other friends too and we were watching the Simpsons and eating pizza. It was such a fun time, everyone was happy. It was simple.
Then your dad's phone rang and it was my mom, your grandmama calling to tell me he was dead. She hadn't been able to reach me on my phone. Your dad gave me a weird look, then handed me the phone. I don't remember what he said. I said Hello, and she was crying pretty hard. She said she was so sorry to tell me that Arthur had died. He was your grandfather.
I started crying and couldn't stop. Your dad led me to the converted garage, now a studio, and I sat on a yellow jacquard sofa. After a moment, my two girlfriends came in and asked what happened, and they sat on either side of me and held me and said nothing while I cried. My guy friends sort of hung out in the background unsure of what to do.
Your dad and I went home. I felt so weird. I felt very numb in the car the whole way home. I felt all the sadness I ever felt about him, the loss he suffered in his life, everything I knew about his pain felt worse than ever and dug into my being. All the lost potential, the life that could've been the life the got away.
His best friend's husband found him. They hadn't heard from him for a couple days; very unusual. They were paying for his apartment. My biodad, your grandfather had been friends with this woman since high school, and now she was married to the mayor of the small town in Louisiana and they were rich. That mayor turned out to be first cousins with Jerry Lee Lewis and Jimmy Swaggart. How weird is that.
He was in bed, the air conditioner was cranked. He had a fan pointed towards his face, and there were dozens of beer cans in the kitchen. He'd been sober for like 3 years.
What happened.
I don't know. I wonder if he killed himself. He was very lonely and bored. He had emphysema and used an oxygen tank while he chain smoked. Did he have respiratory failure because of the large amount of alcohol? I think maybe it was just his one last drunk.
I hadn't talked to him for five months previous. That five months was preceded by a visit your dad I made to his apartment in that small town. It was overwhelming for me and I kind of avoided him afterward. I didn't answer his calls. For five months. And then he died.
Monday, January 18, 2016
"Look up here, I'm in Heaven"

Ok, ok, ok.
Days pass without another tear shed for Bowie—and thank god because it's been very sad and hard at The Jones since last Monday.
Then today, this.
Friday, January 15, 2016
Breakfast Club + Bowie
At some point in the movie these lyrics from "Changes" show up. After viewing, my friends and I started tagging our backpacks, army jackets and random public bathroom walls with his words. We were 15. We felt so vindicated.
(Bye Bye Beautiful Bowie.)
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