Monday, February 11, 2008

Goodbye beautiful Lo

lola. what a beautiful girl. she came into my sister's life 10 years ago as a surprise. we had gone to the SPCA to find a cat for my mom and my sister saw her. i didn't witness the exhange between them that made it suddenly obvious that my sister would bring her home. i just remember my sister coming towards us, saying, "um, look at this, i think i have to take her." and she was so beautiful, and so like our cat growing up. a gorgeous tabby maine coon, but silver, not black, like Ed had been. so feminine...we all three sat at the adoption desk for the prerequisite hour answering questions about my sister's cat knowledge, getting Lola's history, getting instructions for her particular needs, being told that people had adopted her and brought her back because she bites, knowing in our hearts that that would not be the case with us, with my sister. we understand, she understands, how to love and care deeply for an intelligent ("troublesome") cat.

my mom left that day without a cat, but we had found perfection in Lola. she clearly belonged to my sister who is also beautiful and rare, like you might not catch her glow if the shutter speed is too slow.

Lo had been criminally declawed. it may not be illegal but declawing should be a crime. it puts the cat in danger of not being able to defend themselves, not to mention the pain they go through post-surgery...where their little feet hurt from the broken knuckle area (declawing takes out not just a claw but a knuckle), and they can't even shuffle their kitty litter around without discomfort. there were many special instructions and warnings, as the SPCA is rightfully wont to do. they let my sister know Lola could never be let outside.

fortunately, my sister questions authority, and Lo has had a wonderful time outside, watching birds, trees, bugs, all the things cats love to trip out on. Lo has had that. and she has been fine because she is smart enough to deal with her handicap. and she is not a problem, and she has been deeply loved for 10 years.

Lola, she moves like water. smooth, without ruffle. gracefully, with intent. her intelligence and discrimination reminds us of why we love cats, and maine coons in particular. tail like a mink stole, cutting clean figure 8s in the air. watchful, knowing. (oh Lo. i am heartbroken that you have to go.)

Lo has cancer, and tomorrow is her last day.

(picture above is a portrait i made of her in 2001. it doesn't begin to do her justice.)


Elbo said...

oh man. too many times lately. i'll be thinking of you.

aldahl said...

Ack. I am really, really sorry to hear this. Please give your sister my condolences as well.