Tuesday, July 01, 2008

One easy way to make someone you love feel good

and it's not sex.

it's easy to make a list. everyone does it all the time. why not make a list about someone you love and send it to them?

the list can take many forms, like a "pro" list without the "con" part.

maybe make it more intense. for instance guy and i did not call his dads on father's day and we should have. guy thought it was unnecessary, i believed him because i have never called either of my dads on father's day. they simply were not fathers to me and turthfully don't care (for real). his dads have been deserving and did miss it. they have been so good to me. LAME. so, we will send a list that starts like: "i stupidly didn't call you on father's day, but what i would have wanted to say is..." or "i didn't call you on father's day, but that doesn't mean i don't greatly appreciate..." or "even though i didn't call you on father's day, i want to tell you how much you have meant to me when you..." or "i'm an idiot and didn't call you on father's day, but i'd like to thank you for..."

i filled out a very serious referral for family of mine who want to adopt. the questions asked of me: describe the adoptive parents' personalities, would i let them watch my kids, describe the adoptive parents' marriage and describe if an additional baby would stress them out. describe why they are good or not good with kids, to name a few. it touched them so much...they were very affected. guy said that's because they aren't told that stuff ever. my response? no one ever is, which is why it is such a nice thing to do.

write to someone you love, or just like, or just want to be supportive of. use a list format, come up with a simple beginning that's honest and off you go making someone feel fantastic. maybe it's about the first time you met them and every memory you can come up with from that time. it's so easy. and so rewarding when you hear of how great they feel from reading your words, how grateful they are for your insight into them. it's kind of like a euphoric bounceoff*. give it, receive it.

it's better than anything you can buy. seriously.

for motivation i think of the great philosopher, derek zoolander.

"DO it."

* a euphoric bounceoff is a wonderful feeling you get when you're hanging out with a friend, or several and you make each other laugh and put out a lot of energy and get a lot back. like being high off friendship.

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