Sandwiches come and sandwiches go but some remain in your mind forever. As a major sandwich-lover and connosieur, it's time to reflect on some of the best sandwiches out there, sandwiches that are actually missed.
1. The crab sandwich in South City. This is not normally something I order, but it came highly recommended. I have no idea what they did to it, but it was the best-tasting questionable sandwich I've ever had.
2. The black forest ham and swiss cheese with carmelized onions and aioli on a toasted kaiser bun on Potrero Hill. It dripped some delicious and unidentifiable sauce. Unbelievable.
3. The breakfast sandwich: scrambled eggs, two slices of melted american cheese and bacon on a toasted english muffin. Sounds common, but somehow it is the best breakfast sandwich I've ever had. From the same place on Potrero Hill as #2.
4. The salami and swiss with 1/2 sweet mustard & 1/2 mayo and red onions on a dutch crunch in the Financial District. My creation. No one else makes it as well as they do though.
5. The black forest ham and melted swiss with carmelized onions and lemon aioli on a roll at the old MOMA cafe (circa 1995).
6. The Reuben from Max's with pastrami on toasted lo-carb light rye.
7. The Cobb Salad Sandwich from Max's. It had fresh roasted turkey - like you'd get at Thanksgiving - red onions, avocado, bacon, basil aoili, blue cheese, and mayo on a roll. They don't make it anymore. I have not been able to duplicate it myself.
8. The Bistec sandwich at Sol Food in San Rafael. It's grilled steak with melted swiss, avocado, carmelized onions and a mysterious sauce that is to rape and pillage for - all on a toasted long, flat ciabatta. This is my current favorite. I go to Sol Food, sit in the window, read the news on my iphone, and devour this sandwich with a gigantic ice coffee served in a huge Bell Jar. HEAVEN.
Oh my god, I'm starving. I'm not allowed to eat sandwiches at the moment since my stupid meds made me gain 10Ibs. It's gotta be plain roast beef wrapped around gouda with sweet mustard dribbles for this chubbed out girl.
Ahhh, sandwiches, thank you for ruling so much.
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