Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What would Larry David do

It was beautiful out today in downtown San Francisco. It's summertime in SF and the whole town goes nuts. It persuaded me to get up from my desk, walk outside, go down the street and get something to eat. I don't remember the last time I did this during work hours.

I go to the Mall on Market Street. Delicious and amazing food is there. I looked around like a kid in wonder. It's been a long time since I visited the Westfield Mall. I found a lady giving out samples in front of a Thai stall. Delicious. I took one. Decided. I got in line.

As I stood there I remembered the episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm in which Larry David complains about the Stillers (as in Ben and Christine Taylor) giving out appetizers on sticks at their party. "What do you do with the stick?" he asks.

And I stood there fingering it for a long time before I realized I was really annoyed and needed to get rid of the stick. But where do you put i! Nowhere is there a stick depository! Nada!

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