Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Worm Zit Dream

dream last night:
I’m pinching a major cyst on my face and a big hole opens up and out comes a worm. He had tons of legs like a millipede, but slid smoothly out like a worm. it was a fat worm, like the width of a Camel cigarette. The visual sickened me greatly in my dream. I became aware that my mind revisited the image of the worm slithering out of my face several times while I was asleep and it sickened me every time.


Anonymous said...

Whoa...that is disturbing. I love trying to interpret dreams...


katie said...

I dream about huge tidal waves crashing over me all the time. just had one-a-those dreams last night. I'm sure it must mean something about my fear that the world is out to get me.