Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Note to a Baby: How to be your boss's favorite (without kissing ass)

  1. Be cool: Say Hi, say Bye. Smile for real. You’re done.
  2. Drop a note saying something nice to them out of the blue. Don’t go on and on. You're just mentioning something you noticed that's awesome.
  3. Jump to if you overhear they need help with something, even if it’s not your department. Don't overstate your abilities, just make it happen.
  4. Use your particular set of skills to make their life easier.
  5. Never apologize, just tell them their message has been heard.
  6. Be hip but not a hipster. Hip people start reading a wide range of periodicals at age 12, hipsters start at age 20. The point is you want to have something interesting to say about everything. And as far back as you can remember (age 12 should do it), so your words are relevant to their life.
  7. Ass kissers are transparent. If there is one around you, just wait. They'll be discovered soon enough.
  8. If you're a rock star, ignore all of this.

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