Thursday, March 06, 2014

What, you don't shoot your movies from a skateboard?

Pretty sure Spike Jonze is the first director to do this for a shot.

It's Sunday, March 2, 2014, and they're about to announce the Oscar winner for Best Original Screenplay. My reaction is so enthusiastic, I get embarrassed, and I'm all by myself.

The envelope is opened.

I lean forward anxiously and whisper PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!

And I feel so strongly throughout my body that I NEED Spike Jonze to win. I nearly reach prayer-level wishing.

Then they say it, "and the award goes to Spike Jonze!" I fist pump five times. Not true UFC fist pumping, more like I'm cheering on an Olympian, or Beck.


Embarrassing! Awesome. So happy.

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