Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Icky Thump on my iPod

jack white's voice is high, thin, smooth and substantial all the same.
he's so sexy.
i bet he feels solid in your hands.

icky thump will breed a whole new generation of enthusiastic air guitarists with long hair and baseball caps. if they get to hear it.

too derivative? no way. like beck, there is too much newness added to the classic to feel uncomfortably familiar. the new Icky Thump is so exciting, i hear it and suck in my breath, sharp. so exciting somehow, the notes hit that spot. the really good one. and hit it over and over and over and over and over. my heart is pounding while i listen. i am unable to focus on anything afterwards. it is so exciting i get full-arm shivers three times in 7 songs.

jack white's sexiness comes from many places. the most surprising element is his lyrics. he's the most love-obsessed boy who's ever spoken so clearly. he's a boy pj harvey, unapologetic and passionate. i imagine he came up with the album name by virtue of the sound quality alone. every note is ripped from it's homebase before it lifts off. it's so genuine you not only see and feel, but live the sucking action. jack's voice is like a hot rail cutting effortlessly through the middle of the muck. the two together create a perfect world.

my favorite track, Little Cream Soda has two words in it that are repeated in such a way as to demand entry into the Museum for the Brilliantly Simple. jack sees the world acutely and microscopically.



RobRoy said...

Maybe it's just me, but did you change your backgrounds to deep maroon? It makes reaching the posts very hard on the eyes.

Anonymous said...

Got to agree with robroy, there. I think I may be blind now! LOVE Jack White...