guy and are on the atlantic ocean again, in ocean city, maryland. very similar to last year...sun, sand, cellulite. beer, friends, family. guy not wearing sunscreen, me getting slammed into the beach by ferocious waves when i turn my back.
guy's aunt w. has made a turkey and black forest ham, and just set it out on the counter for anyone to eat at any time. it's delicious, juicy, greasy, running down face yummy.
this morning we took a bike ride all the way from 78th street to Fenwick, which is just passed 149th. that's kind of a lot of blocks, comparative to nothing, but in second place would be walking 30+ blocks in manhattan with D. in 2001. the bike ride was truly fun, something i haven't done in god knows how many years. i felt wobbly at first. we had no idea we were riding with the wind all the blocks on the way, until we turned around and fought wind all the way home. fantastic.
tan. guy is super blonde. soon we take showers, wash the sand out of our craws, get in the car - me driving the rental V6, yay - and head to guy's dads house where we will overdrink, and crash out early for certain.
ps. happy birthday to guy yesterday, happy birthday to me tomorrow. we are now 37. hmmm.
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