guy stops car to help broken down bicyclist in hillsides of marin
i'm behind him in my car we decide to take bicyclist to the city
guy injures hand in process of putting seats down to make way for bike
it's swelling and turning speckly
he's yelling
it's getting serious
sweet south dakota dude feels terrible
you hurt yourself helping me! he says over and over
i am yelling Are You Ok? Are You Ok?
guy swarms in heat bending over and sideways
face scrunched, primordial roar comes out
i yell are you ok oh my god voice getting shrill
south dakota dude says i'm so sorry i'm so sorry
we figure out what to do
it's getting serious
south dakota dude drives guy's car to parking place
i drive guy in my car 80mph to hospital
guy writhes please don't crash he says
we arrive guy runs in
doctor says, yep, it's broken.
good samaritan gone bad?
(such a strange sequence of events does give me pause. i go back to my mom's religious thinking, the thinking that this happened for a reason, to keep us safe from something much worse down the road. i heard this kind of thinking my whole childhood. i think it's dangerously unrealistic, but i can't stop thinking that way sometimes. this is one of those times.)
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