tomorrow my friend w. is throwing me a bachelorette party. i was dancing while driving all the way home from work today because of this. my ipod was shuffling the best possible songs for a friday after work. i even got caught air drumming and singing to lady sovereign's big crazy-fun dance hit "Hoodie." "dance hit" reminds me of ABBA, and lady sov is...well...the opposite of ABBA. but it's infectious as hell and made me shake my booty so hard in the car that i felt "caught" at a red light by my neighboring driver. i looked over mid-tempo with my mouth wide open, and there he was. watching. i just turned away back towards the road in front of me and picked up my phone, nervously pretending to do something with it.
happy happy happy from the music. happy.
along the way, it seemed every song i heard would be perfect for the party i'll have with my oldest and closest friends + one kickass new soulsister. jesus, did i just say that? Under normal conditions using that term would be reason enough to be shot by...me. but it really fits her.
the playlist i made when i got home is here:

if i sound terrifically boring it could be because i took three muscle relaxants tonight. if mentioning that makes me sound paranoid, it's because i also smoked some pot resin, the poor man's hash. in my case it's the lazy, midlife, bordering-on-loser lady's hash.
carry on.
I was both alarmed and terrified when I saw the video of myself drunkenly dancing to said songlist.
eopiehow was it? Was it amazing
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