Friday, October 14, 2011

Scenes from a Commute

 In an ongoing series, I'll be posting photos taken from my morning commute from Marin County to downtown San Francisco. The scene that calls to me most often is right after I turn off Broadway onto Columbus, and am face to face with the Transamerica Building. To my right is the "Susie Hotel" – a name of personal interest to me – then, further down is the Zoetrope Building and all the memories that brings to mind (1. ex-husband snorting coke on Francis' desk after a meeting (without Francis, let's make that clear) 2. Sofia Coppola and her filmmaking skills vs. how she was in high school, that Elizabeth Peyton painting of her that Marc Jacobs commissioned etc.).

Then, fantastically straight up to the sun from there is the Transamerica. The base of it reminds me of the base of the World Trade Center. Something about the zigzag pattern of the lobby exterior. Sometimes I imagine tragedy and heartbreak, other times just the feeling of being near something so huge is fun. Really. Fun. Being dwarfed. It's a cool feeling.

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