Friday, May 18, 2012

Meeting Augusten Again

When authors are like rock stars, you'll find me in line.

Even if it's in San Francisco where fierce winds blow while I have to wait outside for two hours to get a glimpse of him. Even if I have to walk, take a ferry and then a car to get there. Even though I've met him before.

When an author is like a rock star, the same thing happens.

A journey to arrive. A purchase I can't afford. A long wait on my feet that hurts my back. Then another long wait. Then a handshake and a stumbling of words over my tongue and then an autograph and then done. Abruptly. That's how it works with rock stars and that's how it works here.

I'll see you tonight, Augusten Burroughs, and I won't be the freaked-out tongue-tied 30-something I was when I saw you last. This time I'll get the words out. I'll smile and laugh because you are just like me and I am just like you.

Except you're famous and awesome.

1 comment:

Timm who hates everything said...

Ha ha! Take an extra strength avil!