Wednesday, March 05, 2008

"Not in a formulist context"

found this artist while doing a picture search on "head with wings". Her drawings are pretty interesting (wait, how do i know it's a her? a feeling). delicate but not lazy, although the subject matter is a little cliche, there are still some pieces that aren't. also, great use of color. anyway. i'm looking for more information and i find her statement. i take a breath and hope for the best. seldom are statements anything other than a total upchuck of pretentiousness, but i'm willing. this is what i get.

These works explore inherent and contradictory characteristics of drawing as a medium, an activity, and a means to other ends. Intimate, immediate, investigative, irresolute and indeterminate aspects of drawing invade and intersect with each other, complicating and enriching those impulses and gestures that manifest themselves in marks. I refer to marks not in a formalist context but with socio-political terrain in mind. Whose traces are erased, whose stains remain, whose tales do we imagine while gazing at these remains?


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