"Lou. Come here."
it was his tone that actually made me close my laptop and get up off the deep-seated sofa.
guy had the sliding glass doors open and was very carefully peering out at a little black cat head. the little black cat head was peering at us from around a deck post. the little black cat head looked at me and meowed a horrible, coarse, hurty meow.
"That's not clementine is it."
i peered at her. i stared. my heart rate picked up. it looked just like her, but smaller. and with only one working yellow eye and a voice like sandpaper.
"No. No. It's not clem...hey sweetheart..."
she came to me. i rubbed my hand over her back and felt every single vertebrae. my hand moved down to her tail where i could feel her pelvis in a way that is completely impossible in a healthy cat. her shoulder bones stick out. she has fur loss on her legs. she has very short whiskers. not sure if this is due to youth or malnutrition.
"MEOWWWW." her sandpaper voice was so loud, and for such a young cat, that it suggested she could be slightly deaf.
i gave her some more pets while guy looked on, just as entranced. clementine was nowhere around. loud blind kitty had our full attention. i immediately poured her a huge bowl of food. after realizing that was she was also missing teeth, i defrosted some trader joe's turkey balls and cut them up very small. she ate two turkey balls and about two cups of hard food. and drank tons of water. and walked right into the house. even upstairs.
i already love her. guy might too, since she isn't afraid of him. she is identical to clementine if we lived in an evil opposite universe that would let a clementine starve to death.
plans for a doctor visit, flea medicine and whatever she needs have been made. i made her a soft bed of towels outside and showed it to her. she knew what i was talking about. she slept on it a bit.
but she was not at the door this morning.
we both hope she comes back tonight.
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