somebody needs to make a nice, helpful, useful, organized, non-bannerized, good-looking, smart lyrics site.
look at this $#@^! there are so many ads on every site and they're always just ass-ugly. the setup is gross and they've all copied each other. current available lyrics sites put you completely out of the mood to read lyrics.
ok, so back to what i was doing. looking up lyrics for L7's Talk Box because i believe donita sparks to have written it about the night river phoenix died. P-the band was playing that night and i know she loves the butthole surfers. i'm a mad speculator. i wrote to her once asking her. she did not respond.
an excerpt:
Last night I had a dream
It scared the shit out of me
’cause you were dying
Yeah you were dying
And everyone was around
And you were on the ground
And everyone was around
Dying, you were dying...
And you were all alone you were all alone
You were by a phone
But you were all alone...
And your friends were there
And all your friends were there
In your underwear
And all your friends were there
And you were dying
as if anyone doesn't remember that night (right)...river stumbled out of the viper room during P's set. he started barfing. he was leaning up against a pay phone. his brother called 911. river had convulsions on the sidewalk. barf spewed everywhere. people gathered all around watching while his brother freaked out to the operator. then river convulsed some more and then he died.
it was awful. i guess i saw this on the news...
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