Saturday, September 06, 2008

Injury Log #7

Yay, injury log #7. Due in August, this will have to "due."

like morning due. hot and burn-y, rumble-y, then DSA-y all over the porcelain.

Lots of vibrations in august. for several days i kept feeling a vibration in my left upper thigh so strong, i felt for sure my phone was going off in my purse, which would happen to hit right in the spot on my thigh that vibrated. even when the phone was in my hand, i was sure, the phone was going off inside my purse against my leg. you may remember other vibratory experiences i've had. there was the uterus vibration that was in constant motion in the weeks leading up to the endometriosis surgery. flutter flutter, like a spazzing eye muscle. so annoying. then gone right after surgery. just gone. the vibration in the bottom of my foot wasn't so good either. all in all, the vibration problem has been a sad lonely trip until two weeks ago!

i moved desks at work to get away from the slow-cruncher, constant talker. i had no idea that i where i moved to would be so entertaining. right next to a conference room, i get to hear all the big movements by all the big dicks every friday. this seat is alos next to a funny guy who, as it so happens, also gets vibration problems. in fact he told me about his vibrating leg, on almost the exact same day as mine, before i told him!

fearing loneliness more than anything, my vibration-common friend has really made me feel a lot better about it.

bruises are really too common for the injury log, but here they are for august: finger-tipped shaped bruises along back of both thighs like someone had pushed me super hard with only their finger tips. hmmm. who knows. very dark purple bruise on my right hand right in the middle on top of the skinny bones. hmmm. who knows. upper back left thigh/lower buttock - long purple and yellow bruise. most likely a drunken fall. isn't that attractive. after the finger-tip bruises healed, they were replaced with long horizontal bruises the exact width of my thighs in the same place. i don't know, did i jump up backwards to sit on top of a cement block? who knows.

since july (injury log #6) was so freaking mentally painful, my doctor put me on a half milligram of klonopin a day. this has significantly eased the onslaught of emotion and the transitions between them, keeping me from yelling at guy and being annoyed at every single little thing in the known universe all the time. yay! sometimes paying big bucks for a psychiatrist outside of the "network" is really worth the cash. not sometimes, all the time.

three cheers for doctor ravi rockstar. and for finding a vibration friend.

(also got clean bill of health from my gyno one year after surgery. super yay.)

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