Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Love, Yoko

when i read this i can almost imagine (ha ha "imagine") it "working." i can imagine doing this and feeling BETTER. this is what i'm saying people. my goal: be nicer! don't swear at people while driving! be more patient! stop hating people! stop hating the world! be less self-centered! send out the onochord message instead!

Send the ONOCHORD message:
by repeatedly blinking the light
in the frequencies and durations
required for the message:
from ships
from the top of the mountains
from buildings
using whole buildings
in town squares
from the sky
and to the sky.

Keep sending the message
to the end of the year
and beyond.
Keep sending the message
everywhere on the earth
and to the universe
Keep sending.

For individuals:
send the message by hand
or using flashlights
or with lighters

The message I LOVE YOU in ONOCHORD is:

I i
YOU iii

I love you!

1 comment:

Alien said...

You could make a song out of that rhythm. It would have to be a love song.