Friday, June 20, 2008

Injury Log #5: the final chapter

since general practioner turtle-man doctor prescribed me steroids that i could not take without being the biggest downer of all time, i got an emergency appointment with a dermatologist today. the rash was spreading and getting taller. making a fist with my hand felt like i was folding a piece of felt in half. thick.

and it was itching more. it was becoming a stephen king story plot.

"Hand and Foot Eczema" (dermatologist) is the name of my "dermatological anomoly with a vascular id" (general practioner).

let's hope there is no such case of "Vagina Eczema."

and then the little old man from germany said, "severe hand and foot eczema." he gave me some cream that will fix it right up and a generous refill of 6. he said it comes and goes once you get it. he said stress causes. "ms. jones, did you have a tremendous amount of stress when this started, four months ago?"

i said, how about a huge wedding debt, a new marriage and unemployment?

he looked at me sideways and nodded, "this will help." and he wrote a script for "Vanos."

i was surprised he didn't add valium.

UPDATE: it is now 24 hours since applying the cream to my hands and they're worse. my mac is incapable of photographing detail. parts of them are getting better, but my hands are now changing shape. the fingers are developing decks and the webbing in between my thumbs and pointer fingers are growing diving platforms. i wish could shrink down and hang out in there. out here it's incredibly irritating. every little seed bead is an itch rising from it's core, every movement creates an itch that would orgasmic to scratch and completely destructive of tissue and perhaps even the beauty that i once felt my hands possessed. part of the upset i am sure is vanity, but what a mess. these hands are bordering on becoming too sick to look at. i'm so happy that i'll have gross, diseased hands in three weeks just in time for the hand-shaking extravaganza that my 20th high school reunion will be.

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