Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Madonna, no more

uh, has anyone noticed? madonna has ruined herself forever!! ugh!! another star to mess up their face with plastic surgery...i just expected more from madonna. isn't she supposed to be smart? a successful mogul? wouldn't someone have told her that a face lift could ruin her? when people don't want to look at you anymore, well, that's a bad business move.

madonna...is hideous. just hideous. watching her cat-like jocelyn wildenstein new face attempt to communicate her emotions and ideas was so wince-worthy on a recent TV interview...seldom have i felt such a strong negative reaction to a person's face as i did hers then.

she was, before surgery, a beautiful woman. truly. you can see it in the face of her young daughter. that lady was gorgeous! and yeah, she aged and got wrinkles! but she also weighs 50LBS. and is toned as a mofo. What happened to her good sense?


As a non-fan, I am still supremely disappointed and icked-out beyond belief. You must see her attempt to speak out of her botox-paralyzed face. there's probably something on youtube. you will not believe your eyes.

SAD. i hope whatever insanity struck her to do such a thing to her beautiful face doesn't strike me. maybe it's like a virus. hopefully not airborne.

1 comment:

aldahl said...

Amen, sister!