Monday, April 20, 2009

And another one's gone, another one's gone...

another one bites the dust.
my "fine furniture retail/web/catalog establishment" copyediting/writing/production art has come to an end. a layoff.

i got 2 minutes notice.

"Not enough work." they say. I believe 'em. even doing two people's work. in fact, i think i got laid off for doing too much work. if i'd been more of a slug, no one would notice there wasn't enough work. (ahhh, that lady is even more cunning than i thought!)

being laid off (non-contracted) still hurts. even for the 7th time in 5 years. ESPECIALLY for the 7th time in 5 years.

at least i have a little light at the end of the tunnel.

little for now.

(here's a dare: type in "laid off" "lost job" and "unemployment" into the search engine and see what has happened in the last three years of this Jones' life.)

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