Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The correct brain

this little comic coming to you today from L.A. correspondent (and artist) JnoE.

since everyone is starving now, it's best to be an can create with your own body and brain. no additional information or help necessary. artists (musicians, writers et al) are the walking talking money-making masters of the future. or at least of now.

cheers to all artists. to those who got support growing up and got to go to fancy art schools; both those who went into debt for it and those with a free ride. and to those who did not have support growing up or the money or impetus to find the money or parents to pay for fancy art school. cheers to the street artists of every city and those who rose out of poverty to bust out (haring, basquiat, twist). special cheers to the painters on the streets of new orleans (bless their humidity-filled souls and acrylic-only paintings). cheers to my nephew who is just beginning to draw.

your heart dictates what your hand does. if your heart makes your hand draw then do a lot of it and be THANKFUL that you were born with a TALENT because in the end (like now) apparently whatever we have in/on our bodies/brains is all we get. those without an obvious talent suffer harder.

but of course!! epiphany.

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