Friday, April 28, 2006

art department

"art department" refers to the last art department i was a part of. there were four of us. three actives and one silent. three out of four of us were virgos, but that's another story. we were very funny in art department. we cracked ourselves up all day long, we were so funny we imagined we could be a tv show complete with a soundtrack and action figures. i miss art department very much. it was fun to go to work then, i almost never hated it. a good work situation is so much more about the people around you than the actual work. i might have even enjoyed being a floor sweeper or t-shirt counter with those people. there will never be another art department, but i am hopefully going to be able to bring one of comrades on over to this hell job. we'll see next week. he's so much better than this stupid job, and he knows that and that it will only be temporary, but i am excited about the strangeness, the revisiting of half of my beloved art department once again.

ps. i also met guy in the art department. a definite plus (kissing in the stairwell, in the elevator and on the 10th floor!)


Anonymous said...

I just listened to a synopsis of a study about work environments, employee retention, etc...and they said the number one reason people stay at a job is because of the people they work with. Money was actually #5, assuming you're paid a fair wage. Then, I had to chuckle, because I wonder how much money was wasted on the study...I mean, jeez...who COULDN'T tell you the answer to THAT question?!

Jason said...

P.S. Eew I rode in that elevator. I hope you Purelled it.

lou jones said...

we didn't kiss the elevator jason.