Wednesday, April 05, 2006

things that make me laugh out loud and threaten to get me busted at work for having fun

1. vice magazine

click on "new york colonics"

an excerpt:
"...But wait. The water has not yet reached the point of your colon that you will come to call the 'hidden shelter of everything that is bad.' All the toxins, sad memories, wrong decisions, and regrettable indiscretions from your whole life prior to your colonic live there. These things do not want to get flushed out of you. So they fight. You start to sweat, dig your fingernails into your palms, and curse under your breath..."

2. Monk E-mail

this has singlehandedly saved me from a days-long terrible mood. use it to talk to your friends while you're at work and you're not supposed to be talking to your friends.


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