Friday, February 23, 2007

A mildly disconcerting case of growing up

top five ways in which i am not myself

1. got vitamins on my kitchen table sitting on a tray. this is 100% my mom. Last weekend while a friend was visiting, i found myself taking them after dinner, and had a wicked flashback. when i do that, even my hands look like my moms.

2. i stopped eating sugar. for just a while. throw off a few extra pounds. not putting sugar in my coffee is wrong enough, but then today, i put sweet-n-low in it. now i am my grandfather.

3. last weekend, i bought underwear and socks. i haven't done this since 2001.

4. i told the dentist it was ok that the portion of my cavity treatment i have to pay for, $1056, is perfectly fine. excuse me? who said that is fine? me? who am i?

5. only drinking occasionally. it's so controlled. that's not very me.

and a bonus:

6. telling guy that we should get Police tickets so we can feel like teenagers again. now, that's really offensive.

1 comment:

Ginger Root said...

I have my Dad's Hands. No question. I think I'm okay with that.

I rememer a few years ago "Rhymes with Orange" said one of the sure signs of getting old is when someone sends you a fruit basket. I got a big box of pears for Christmas last year. Does that count? They were yummy.