Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Let's Talk About Cars: The Future

if guy and i still lived in the city, i would seriously consider buying a nano car, an electric out of India. this thing is tiny and cooler looking than the SmartCar. Plus the Nano costs less - $2200 - than those bike-riding fools in my hometown spend on their fancy mountain bikes. this is mostly a city car though as it only goes to 65mph and that's too slow for me on the freeway. i'd go bonkers.

the STERLING is my new DeLorean, or Awesome Future Car. can you even believe this car actually really functions like this? wouldn't it be fun to take it x-country and pull up to a gas station in the sticks somewhere?they would think we were space aliens. we might get shot. that's cool. not only that, but you can build your own Sterling with a KIT. funny scenario for a movie: the bad guy is driving his super speedy Sterling to a robbery, but the roof takes 8 seconds to raise and lower. he gets to the bank, robs it and then runs out to his car. then realizes he has driven the wrong car to the robbery - cops are running for him and he's waiting for his roof/door to open for what seems an eternity. then he gets in...and waits 8 painful seconds for the door to close. tick tick tick tick. he looks around nervously and just hates himself for such a stupid fuckup. he's busted. for being fancy. hilarious.

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