Thursday, June 08, 2006


it's pretty unbelievable where i live. i can only figure i got so lucky because i suffered so hard living on 6th street for four years in my mid to late 20s.

this is the tenderloin:

the tenderloin gave me a nervous breakdown midway through my sentence, as it also did to my close friend (J) who lived upstairs from me in two seperate buildings during those four long years. people sprawled all over the sidewalks with shit-encrusted pants, anorexic dogs and scabby eyes really got to me after a while. i totally lost it, but then i got a place with a deck that has this view in the super-clean-homo-castro:

there are two and five million dollar houses everywhere. i think i'm the only person living in a apartment for three square blocks. a million dollar house in my neighborhood is a shoebox.

i'm not bragging, i'm just like WHOA DUDE, i lived in HELL before and now i'm here, with barely a change in salary! someone smiled on me!

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