Thursday, June 08, 2006

"Showdown at the DK Corral"

East Bay Ray of the legendary Dead Kennedys is a friend of a friend of mine. He has attended many of the same social events in the past as I have. During the time that he and the other guys were suing Jello Biafra for stealing money from the band via their back catalog, there happened to be a bunch of parties. At one such party he walked in and everyone said hi, hey, how's it going Ray? He took one look around and said, "Welllllll, there's been a showdown at the DK corral."

(ray, klaus and DH won the case)

Funnily enough, Jello lives right across the street from me in a particularly ugly, albeit monstrous house, seen here...(the brown one in the middle)

I wonder how many punk rockers live in mansions. I bet Ray doesn't but then again, he wasn't the given the money that he rightfully earned! It was stolen by his pal who lives in this mansion! OOOPS!!

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