Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I found it!

my second career.


a long time ago, i wrote some copy for a grateful dead merchandising catalog and was told, "hey, you're really good at this. you should be a copywriter." flash forward 15 years and i'm doing a little copywriting for guy's company and getting a tremendous response. TODAY, i overhear some designers who work on the Nike account saying, "oh man, i can't write this, i'm not a copywriter..." and i spoke up. i told them, I can do that. copywriting is my side project...and i got the work. so, tonight i get a call from the head of the Nike account, who's spouting relief that i'm going to write this copy, and, she had to check twice, "you can do it tonight?!"

so i sit down and i start writing and i'm pretty much done in 10 minutes. add another 20 for finessing and i'm completely finished. this leaves me with a feeling of total STOKE-ED-NESS. like, i can DO something. shit. it's such a great feeling and it occurs to me,
that maybe
i have found
my new career.

stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

Goooood fer yew! Sounds great, B!

lou jones said...

yeah! now if only i had a pretty blonde wife with magical powers who makes me martinis upon my arrival at home, well...i'd still always be in a bad mood!