Monday, June 12, 2006

Thanks for another devastatingly fun weekend (YES)

friday: whoa. work was light and people were mad for beer by 4 o'clock. my coworker, a senior artist, a madman, came up to me at 4pm saying "uh, we need to get a cup of coffee. i'm buying." he was frighteningly serious. the blood ran from my face. the last time this happened it really was serious. i asked him, "do you need to talk to me about something serious?" in a shaky voice to which he replied gravely, YES. we walked down the stairs and out the door when he finally relieved me with, "well, we're not actually going to get coffee, we're going to get a shot, and it's not that serious." i exhaled heavily and we laughed. the relief he was searching for was accomplished inside a tequila shot and half a corona within the next ten minutes. and he, like most people who know me, knows that i am always a willing accomplice for pretty much any mission at all. this ensures that i am always the chosen one as i do not argue, i do not question motives, i just say YES.

an hour later, the rest of the department was crying Beer O'clock and we all bailed by 5:30. nice.

not so nice: i get rather lit before it is even dark and and have to hold onto the arm of my friend and coworker (J) to keep from eating asphalt on the walk home. get there early (9pm), just in time for guy to come home from his bar jaunt. he laughs at me and says, you're drunk! i argue playfully, no i'm not! all the while we're cracked, we're doubled over, our energies are causing a tornado, our energies are spinning mid-air through the living room, not dying, not landing for several hours, we cackle cackle we wrestle wrestle, i make shrimp and avocado salad and sear mahi for guy, a two course meal. at midnight we finally sleeeeeeep.

SAT: wake up slow, do favor for friend (E), drive him to daly city to pick up car, afterwards do vodka shots at 2pm, smoke bongs, leave (E), go to fish market and buy delicious delicious delicious seafood. get dozen raw oysters, sashimi grade raw ahi tuna and swordfish, fresh organic vegetables, we laugh and laugh, i can see inside guy, he is, i just LOVE HIM!
then we go home. i proceed to chop and marinade and cook for the rest of the afternoon. make tuna poke for the first time.
it's amazing. guy shucks all 12 oysters for us, we slurp them down, we are in heaven, this is all we ever want to eat, it is food from the gods. we hang out, listen to music, eat, cook. around 8pm guy poses interesting question, "wanna do mescaline?" uh, well, i've never said no to psychedelics (or really anything for that matter: YES), but i know what he's talking about, he's talking about this teeny tiny microscopic amount of lab-derived, authentic chemist-made MESC powder that we've had for months. i've never believed it to be enough to do anything to us, thus it's long life. BUT EH, sure why not i say and we snort it. OUCH. it hurts. i go outside and start watering my plants, really positive that nothing will happen. guy follows me five minutes later, his face is all puffy and red and his eyes are tiny, he says "i feel like i'm tripping. i'm tripping. uh, i AM tripping! i'm seeing...oh, yeah, i am seeing..." and just as i'm starting to complain that everything affects him so much stronger than me, i realize i'm feeling sort of "inside," that i'm feeling exclusive to myself, that i am, without a doubt, feeling that psycho-delic buzz, and i go inside and get some water and i catch light waves off the kitchen chairs. ha ha ha ha ha! how funny, we laugh and laugh. "we were just hanging out and now we're fully psyched-out!" we tell each other. we turn on the beatles for some reason, i guess it's instinctive, because it's perfect. we melt into the sofa and listen and dream. later we dance around in our "most comfortable clothes ever" and we kiss a lot and everything feels AMAZING and looks BEAUTIFUL. MAGIC TIME.

after a few hours of blatant silliness we decide to get in bed. we roll the TV into the bedroom and plug in FEAR and LOATHING. i've seen the movie a half dozen times but i never laugh as hard as i do this time. i say out loud, GOD BLESS JOHNNY DEPP. guy agrees with me, we wrap our legs together and fall asleep by 1:30 am.

SUN: photo shoot with guy's band. fun. i take photos, we drink tecate, we come home by 10pm, we go to bed, exhausted and delighted by yet another devastatingly fun weekend.


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