Friday, July 07, 2006

Bad Boy

syd, the 15-yr-old black mainecoon who lives in our house is being a very bad boy. he is insisting on sleeping on the bed. suddenly two weeks ago he started shitting in his own bed. this is a bed that he used to adore. then, after the Yeti died, he became irritable and needy and started forcing his large black body onto OUR bed. we have tried to curb this behavior with a large canopy made of netting that gets tucked in very tightly all around the base, but yesterday when we got home, we found his greatest success yet: a huge hole torn straight through it, just big enough for a fat black mainecoon body.

is this because of the yeti not being around anymore for him to tease? it must be. it's the only thing that's changed.

this is a big problem. it's causing discourse within the house. nothing makes guy more angry than fur on the bed.

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