Friday, July 07, 2006

LOVE her

mom calls me this morning from mobile, alabama. she is visiting family. she calls to tell me she "made it." we are all big worriers in this family, we call each other when we "make it."

she calls at 8:55am, i'm on the bus. i HATE talking on the bus. i immediately shut down. i can't do it. i answer because it's my mom.


hi sweetheart!

mom, i'm on the bus.

oh! you're on the bus! well, i'm ok!

can i call you back in a few minutes?

oh, you don't have to call back!

(feels my silent reaction to this, which is frustration because now i'm going to have to explain to her that i WANT to call her back, which is more talking on the bus.)

OH. or you can call me back!



I love you too MOM!

i hang up thinking that my cool bus demeanor is totally blown. those around me now know that even girls in bad-ass cop glasses love their moms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even serial killers love their moms. Of course they KILL people that LOOK like their moms, but...they still LOVE their moms. Sorry your "bus cool" was blown. I think it's cooler, though, that you love your mom. I love her, too!