Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Earthquake Weather

i walked out of the house this morning and the air was so still and warm. it's almost humid, but there's no real moisture in the air. it's so strange. it feels like the calm before a tropical storm or a tornado or a nervous breakdown. it's what people in california call Earthquake Weather.

guy doesn't believe in earthquake weather. of course it's a myth, but it's something that we "say." i've been "saying" it my whole life. it's BASED on something real and it's creepy.

guy doesn't get it. it's alright, he's east coast.

i called him when i got to work and told him that when he walks outside today, he'll experience some very special weather. he said, What. i said, It's earthquake weather. he laughed and told me he'd be careful.

some history here and here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know that kind of weather! The kind that makes you feel nervous... you stand there for a second, straining to hear the birds singing. Because if THEY'RE singing, all is right with the world, and it's not going to be destroyed. Right? Right?!