Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Blood Sister Sex Magic

i've missed you. it pains me that it's been 8 days since i wrote last for the jones. the copywriting job is really truly cool so far. it's filled with appropriateness and tastefulness. i appreciate the former, the latter not so much, but overall the experience has been a boon to my self-confidence and nervous system. boon. is that right? sometimes i just know the sound of the word i want, not necessarily how it's spelled, if i haven't seen it in print very much or ever. boon, is one of those words. boom? nah.


so i just got back from the gyno. what a cool guy. yeah, a guy. haven't seen a guy gyno since i was 18 and didn't know better, until now. he rules. he's the greatest. very thorough. he talks slowly and draws pictures for me of what he's talking about. then i have a chance to ask questions. there usually aren't many because he is so thorough. today, i prescribed my own course of action. how cool is that? i LOVE being a fake doctor. LOVE. today, i was my own fake doctor.


i have something called endometriosis endometriosis is an example of how crazy cool the body is. how intriguing and magical it is that the lining of my uterus has broken apart and travelled to other parts of my body, namely my ovaries, and because this lining is designed to bleed once a month, that is what it does no matter where it is in my body! i'm not being sarcastic here folks, that is fucking cool!! it doesn't feel cool, but i have to say, i really appreciate something about it.

my doctor said i have three choices of how to deal with this and i pointed out that there are four. we decided to go with my idea: the fourth choice, because I'M so cool!


1. keep taking birth control pills the way i have been and if it gets bad again, take two. my answer: NO. NO WAY in fact!

2. induce a temporary menopause. huh? yep, apparently there is a new drug out that induces menopause via an injection. this is healthy and fine up to one year. there are no problems returning to a normal life after that. it completely stops all functions and they just supplement drugs for the problems menopause causes, namely hot flashes and calcium depletion. my answer: I DON'T KNOW...hmmm...

3. Surgery. a HYSTERECTOMY to be exact. take the whole damn thing out. do you want children? the doctor asked me. um, yeah, i think i might. well then, he said, that is not an option. (and there in that second i found out for sure that i might. that i really truly might! that's exciting. i was never so sure before. i could never tell if it was outside influence telling me that i might want kids.) my answer: NO.

4. and this was my suggestion: what if i keep taking hormones and we see if the brand new addition of progesterone works better with the estrogen, than the estrogen on it's own. it's really too early to know if this is going to be a success since i just started it a week ago. let's see if it works. if not, then we do the menopause injection. HEY, the doctor said, THAT sounds like the best idea. WE'LL do that.

i love my doctor. when i left his office, he gave me a kiss on my cheek. not in a creepy way. in a grandfatherly way. it was really nice.

it's all going to be ok, i will tell guy. it's all going to be OKAY.

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