Monday, October 09, 2006

"you love me! you really love me!"

it's my second to last day at this job. i just wrote a whole paragraph about what went wrong with this job, but fuck that. i'm not dwelling there. my time with those thoughts is over.

besides, i have something nice to report from the frontlines of humanity.

i went in to get coffee today from Axis Cafe, a place i visit nearly everyday for my afternoon wake-up coffee or the amazing spicy ahi tuna salad for lunch. i have made friends with the cafe girls over time and one especially is very friendly to me. she reminds me of my best friend from the college cute, scatter-brained blonde surfer/stoner girlfriend, so i liked her right away. this morning i walked in for morning coffee and told her that i wouldn't be coming in anymore, that i have a new job. she said, hold on a minute, i want to give you something, and she wrote out a certificate for a free lunch. she signed it with a heart and the words, "good luck! we'll miss you!"

i mean, really. that's what i'm walking around with today. not the confused, jealous, scowling, black nightmare in the corner who won't talk to me.

thanks miss "ox"!

(above quote from sally field during some acceptance speech at the oscars in the 80s. anyone remember?)

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