Friday, July 07, 2006

The Manic Mosaic Artist of Sanchez Street

there's a house on sanchez street that's been slowly made into one giant mosaic over the course of the last 8 years. the front steps that descend to the sidewalk, the garage and the driveway have been filled with piles and piles and piles, all small, all large and all sizes of marble slab. there has been a tinkering sound coming out from the darkened garage for years, a garage so overflowing with a certain collection of stone that the door must remain open at all times to accomodate the thrust.

the art starts at the bottom of the house and climbs up, covering every inch, to nearly the roof line. ladders prop up against the house, sandwiched in between the small leftover spaces on the ground. the progress never seems to change.

and then suddenly, one morning, everything is gone. no more piles. no more tinkering. no more madness. it's all cleaned up.

the manic mosaic artist is dead and now his project is over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, that's sad. Sad to think that's they way life is, anyhow. You do all this wonderful stuff...people love it. You kick the bucket, and WHAM! All gone. Like it was never even there.