Tuesday, May 30, 2006

finding the funny

in a relationship, it sure is funny to argue over who has to deal with the most dislikable aspects of the other's personality more...him or her? do she have more problems than him? does he have more problems than her? are they made in the ways they need to be made to deal with the other's personality? she can take drugs for things he doesn't like about her, can he take drugs for things she doesn't like about him? if he could, would he just because she doesn't like them? could certain characteristics be considered a sickness even if they're not in the PDR? would it be right for her to ask him to change those parts? is it right for him to ask her to change parts just because she can, or because she also doesn't like them? what if she did like the things about her that he doesn't like AND it's a sickness in the PDR AND she doesn't want to take drugs for them, does that mean she's not willing to be in a relationship, that she's not willing to work with the other? does it mean the ultimate thing that all these questions are about: that maybe they shouldn't be together?

are these legitimate questions concerning how much you should/could/would ask the person with whom you're in a relationship to change? or the questions of control freaks who think too much? or the questions of people who've had their hearts broken a few too many times?

one thing is for sure, i am finding the funny in these mini-high-drama conundrums.

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