Saturday, December 16, 2006

Placement Agency Holiday Party: Total Success!

last night i had the best time in a very unlikely place: a placement agency christmas party that had only 8 people in attendance. i met two very interesting women. my agent, who placed me in my copywriting job, was there and she is fun and hilarious. she introduced me to a woman i couldn't help but notice around the building where i work. she looks like Ivanka Trump, only slightly less flawless, and happens to have the best girl-ass i have ever seen in my entire life. she has the ass i dream of having. in my mind i truly thought awful things about her like, she must be such a bitch because she looks like Ivanka and has the most perfect girl-ass of all time. well, she walked in to this stupid-fun agency holiday party and my agent introduced us. turns out, she is really really nice and cool and fun!! oh my god! i am a jerk for being prejudiced against beautiful people.

so, my agent, my coworker who i arrived with, and this new girl, who happens to also be from hungary JUST LIKE Ivanka and Ivana, and ANOTHER very interesting woman who was a guest of an artist represented there...just chatted and laughed for almost two hours!! WHO KNEW. we all made plans to get together and i really think we will. it's just so exciting to meet people who are so interested in life and so easy to talk to and laugh with, people who have something to say, are intelligent and funny and totally lacking pretension.

the second interesting woman i mentioned meeting is writing her dissertation on something environmental. ANYWAY, she said her boyfriend is a graphic designer and is always bored with his jobs. i countered that perhaps that's because as a graphic designer you are always doing what other people want, not what you want, that as a graphic designer you are really just one step away from being a bathroom monkey. she said, "well, i would LOVE to do what someone else wants, it's so much easier than figuring out what YOU want. i've been doing only what i want for AGES and it's very difficult. i say 'give me your dumb job, i'll be happy to do whatever you say!!'" i found that a quite enlightening point of view.

you just never know when you're going to meet people who make you feel more alive or give you new ideas. for me it's usually bored bored bored all the time, most people aren't that cool, or smart, or funny...and then BAM! out of nowhere, i go to an agency placement holiday party and find the people i've been looking for.*

ps. to my single guy friends: beautiful Ivanka girl is married. sorry.

*when i met guy and his friends...well, i won the lottery, folks. guy has amazing friends. as do i. xoxoxo

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