Monday, August 28, 2006

You Won't Remember This in Five Years almost always true, in respect to stressful work situations.

on the other hand, where were you five years ago?

i was unemployed. so i was stressed, but not as stressed as i was when i was working. i was living off of credit cards and unemployment. i was developing my art in a way i never had before, i was finessing a totally new style that, ultimately, helped me get work in the future and helped me with my flagging self-esteem. i was thinner than i'd ever been due to healthy eating. i learned how to cook and how to garden. i built a beautiful garden. i slept 8 hours a night. i was very healthy.

it was also the year 9/11 happened. i saw PJ Harvey at the warfield a week after that and cried the entire performance, which just happened to be about new york.

i remember all this because it wasn't silly work stress. it was real life.

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